
Who Introduced Winter Wheat To Kansas

who introduced winter wheat to kansas

Weedy Wednesday: Grass Weeds in Wheat

February 8, 2012 · 6:00 AM

by Jesse Bussard

Weeds have been plaguing man's wheat crop since the dawn of time. In the Bible (Matt 13:24-30; 36-43), Jesus even speaks about a grass known as darnel (Lolium temulentum) plaguing farmers. Back then weed control had to be done the old-fashioned way, hand pulling. Luckily today, we have herbicides to do the job for us.

While attending the Cattle Industry Convention this past week I had the chance to talk with a chemical sales rep from Kansas about weed control in wheat. This year has been especially challenging for Kansas wheat producers as the mild winter has never allowed the wheat in some parts of the state to go dormant. Though some areas of Kansas are lacking in moisture, it seems that it's just the right conditions for pesky weeds like downy brome, cheatgrass, and Italian ryegrass to come up gangbusters.

Without a dormancy period the wheat has also continued to grow along with the weeds. The continued growth has led to a wheat crop that may be too mature to spray to control these problem grass weeds. (Sidenote: Label requirements for herbicides require application to crops at particular growth stages to ensure optimum weed control. Not following these requirements can lead to negative implications such as crop injury or inadequate weed control.) I predict that many farmers will be dealing with weedy wheat coming into early spring. Attempts at salvage treatments of herbicide may be helpful but usually provide less than desirable control.

For more information about weed control in wheat check out these extension publications from the University of Kentucky and Purdue University.

Also please watch this video featuring weed science research from Oklahoma State University studying different control methods of Italian ryegrass in winter wheat.
