
How Is Copper Formed?

how is copper formed?

Cindy's Fiberworks: Fold Formed Copper Necklace

This is my latest creation from playing at Tada's Artisan Boutique.  We were fold forming copper sheeting and I just loved how this one came out.  The copper reminds me of a petticoat.  I had no idea how I was going to finish it off, but it sort of just came to be once I started putting things together.
Catalogue of an Important Collection of English Coins in Gold, Silver and Copper Formed By K.V. Graham Esq
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Glendining & Co
  The straight pieces of copper in the necklace part were about 3 inch pieces of 12 gauge wire which I balled up on each end and then hammered flat and pierced.  Too bad I broke my two-holed screw punch though.  Sigh.

But I am loving this piece and the addition of the turquoise bead is excellent.

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